Starbuzz E-Hose Hookah Pen

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    Sale price$9.99


    The Starbuzz E-Hose Hookah Pen is a type of electronic hookah device that uses a rechargeable battery to heat up an e-liquid or e-juice, creating a flavored vapor that can be inhaled. The device is designed to look like a traditional hookah hose, but it is much smaller and more portable. The Starbuzz E-Hose Hookah Pen is a popular option for those who enjoy hookah but want a more convenient and portable alternative.

    It's important to note that while electronic hookah devices like the Starbuzz E-Hose are marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional hookahs, they still contain nicotine and other potentially harmful chemicals, and their long-term health effects are not well understood. Additionally, the use of electronic hookah devices is not without risks and it is always recommended to consult a doctor or healthcare professional before using any new product.

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