Sabor de Hookah Serbetli Ice Bom Bom

    3 reseñas

    Precio de venta$4.99
    Opciones de compra
    $4.99 USD
    $4.49 USD

    Se renueva automáticamente. Omítelo o cancélalo en cualquier momento.

    Opciones de compra
    $19.99 USD
    $17.99 USD

    Se renueva automáticamente. Omítelo o cancélalo en cualquier momento.

    Para agregar al carrito, ve a la página de producto y selecciona una opción de compra.


    El tabaco para hookah Serbetli Ice Bom Bom es una shisha muy refrescante que tiene un potente sabor a mentol. Podría recordarte a los dulces de mentol con sabor dulce.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 3 reviews
    Ice Ice

    Cool blend smoke mix with some love 66!!

    Sundeep Gummadi
    Serbelti 5/5 Stars!!!

    Been buying hookah tobacco for a long time. Serbelti is my favorite so far. Here is my objective review in comparison to the famous Al Fahker.

    I use a Luna Cosmo hookah, with a predator hose, Kaloud HMD and Charco Blaze coals.

    Burns 1 hour if not longer.
    The flavor starts and peaks at 20 minutes but it doesn’t taper off too much.
    The flavor smokes clean and good thick clouds.
    Anything with “ICY/ICE” in the title will be a hit.
    Choosing the flavors which don’t have icy/ice will be ok but not as good.

    All in all I will continue to buy this from you guys! :)

    Serbetli Ice Bom Bom

    it’s the taste of ice candies, quite interesting, tasty, not cloying.