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『Al Fakher Watermelon With Mint』は、熟した夏のスイカの爽やかなジューシーさと、クールなミントの刺激を組み合わせています。シャキッとしたミントがフルーティーさを引き立て、タバコの渋みが味に深みを加えます。初心者にも経験豊富な喫煙者にも最適なこのブレンドは、バランスの取れた満足のいく喫煙体験を提供し、どんなシーンにもぴったりです。
Watermelon Mint is one of my favorite flavors. I like to mix it with other flavors like Blueberry Mint and Grape.
Never lets me down. One of my go to’s. Can either be smoked by itself and used as a companion to other flavors and won’t overtake the other.
This is my favorite it’s so smooth
Watermelon mint is absolutely the best hookah flavor you can get. I always buy Al Fakher.
Got my shisha from hookah lab for the first time, very convenient delivery & great shisa
You must be at least 21 years old to purchase on this website. All customers will be age verified.
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